We believe all women can embrace who they are, can define their future, and can change the world.

Our History


On Friday, September 22, 1933, the Women's Art League was born. It was organized at the home of Florence Richardson, 215 Rose Blvd, in Akron, with 20 artists in attendance. 

The following month, October 20, 1933, a meeting was held at Phillips Hall, the University of Akron. The constitution was drawn up and Florence Richardson became the first President.

 Meetings took place each Friday and the group painted and sketched. Charter members consisted of artists whose work was in the Spring May Show of 1934 held at the Akron Art Institute.

​These artists were:

Eva Allen,  Louise Barder, Jane Barnhardt, Zella Boedicker, Arta Bucher, Katherine Calvin, Helen Clay, Inez Crisp, Julia Delzell, Amy Goehring, Ruth Oenslager, Lucille Poe, Grace Rankin, Florence Richardson, Margaret Roberts, Gertrude Seiberling, Blanche Stewart,

Germaine Verheyden, Katherine Waite, and Louise Zental.

The Women's Art League sponsors scholarships for Akron High School Senior Women who are going to art school or college and are majoring in art or art education. Applications are available at the high school.

​Students must apply with the teacher's recommendation and examples of their art. A committee reviews their work and awards money which is sent to their school of choice.